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to Connecticut's most underserved communities for more than fifty years. 

||| We're Here To Help

Capital for Change is the largest full-service Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) in Connecticut. With support from our community-minded investors and partners, we serve people, nonprofits, small businesses and public institutions. Our high-impact programs and products broaden access to affordable housing, energy efficiency and job opportunities for underserved communities.

||| Our Mission

Capital for Change is dedicated to providing flexible, creative, and responsive financial products and services that support an inclusive and sustainable economy.

||| Our Vision

To be Connecticut’s premier community development financial institution, offering capital solutions that will create and sustain lasting, positive change to low-income communities, including broadened social and economic participation, economic growth, and environmental sustainability.

2020/ 2021 - A Year In Review

Despite the calamitous economic and health impacts of COVID throughout the fiscal year, Capital for Change (C4C) continued to deliver on its mission to provide capital and services that create more equitable and sustainable communities. That mission is more important than ever in the wake of COVID and its racially disparate impacts. C4C responded quickly to COVID’s economic impacts by working closely with the borrowers we serve to help preserve the health of their financial condition by offering online payment deferrals, as needed.

While our direct lending activity declined due to market conditions, we pivoted quickly and helped develop and administer several urban programs that delivered millions of dollars in emergency grant funding to small businesses, largely BIPOC and women-owned in low- and moderate-income communities, and then assisted the state providing grants to landlords on behalf of renters to help avoid evictions and foreclosures. At the same time, we revisited these roots and rededicated our focus on racial and equity inclusion (RE&I) by holding retreats for board and staff in 2020 to open the conversation. This year we are diving deeper and reviewing all aspects of the company with a RE&I lens and the goal of improving our impact in this critical area.

Building Equitable Pathways of Opportunity
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Housing Should Be Affordable, Efficient, and Accessible To All

||| Our Products & Services

Commercial Lending

Development & Construction


Counseling Services

Homeownership Counseling

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Small Business 

Small Business Loan Program


Consumer Lending

Loans For Homeowners


Loan Servicing Plans

Loan Servicing Options


Social Impact Investing

Investment Notes


Energy Programs

Energy Loans


Mortgage Programs

Loans For Homeownership

Consumer lending
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